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France French Republic flag Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag India Republic of India (federal state) flag Turkey Republic of Turkey flag Morocco Kingdom of Morocco (Western Sahara is mostly occupied by and integrated in Morocco, see politics of Western Sahara) flag United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth Realm) flag Israel State of Israel flag Canada (federal state, Commonwealth Realm) flag Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan flag Vietnam Socialist Republic of Vietnam flag Romania  flag United States United States of America (federal state) flag Italy Italian Republic flag Australia Commonwealth of Australia (federal state, Commonwealth Realm) flag Belgium Kingdom of Belgium (federal state) flag
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 1 :   Voyage au Vietnam hors des sentiers battus
[link of vote] 434 Points Vietnam Socialist Republic of Vietnam flag Voter pour Voyage au Vietnam hors des sentiers battus +3 pts
Travels / Tourism , Services in residence , Cycling
 2 :   Live Stream Channel Online
[link of vote] 425 Points Barbados Voter pour Live Stream Channel Online +3 pts
Sports , Car / Motor bike , Cycling
 3 :   Sepeda 35
[link of vote] 396 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Sepeda 35 +3 pts
 4 :   Utagawa VTT : MTB trails with GPS tracks
[link of vote] 233 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Utagawa VTT : MTB trails with GPS tracks +3 pts
 5 :   http://www.alip.web.id/2015/12/nissan-mobil-terbaik-pilihan-keluarga.html
[link of vote] 228 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour http://www.alip.web.id/2015/12/nissan-mobil-terbaik-pilihan-keluarga.html +3 pts
Car / Motor bike , Cycling
 6 :   Materiel-velo.com
[link of vote] 165 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Materiel-velo.com +3 pts Professional Subscription
Shopping on-line , Cycling
 7 :   Watch Chisora vs Tyson Fury Live Streaming Boxing game Radio
[link of vote] 158 Points United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth Realm) flag Voter pour Watch Chisora vs Tyson Fury Live Streaming Boxing game Radio +3 pts
Sports , Cycling , News / Media
 8 :   Nepal Trekking | Nepal Hiking | Nepal Climbing | Nepal Expedition
[link of vote] 153 Points Nepal Voter pour Nepal Trekking | Nepal Hiking | Nepal Climbing | Nepal Expedition +3 pts
Travels / Tourism , Nature / Environment , Cycling
 9 :   VTT-MTB.COM, le blog de donodyl, du VTT et des fans de Santa Cruz
[link of vote] 153 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour VTT-MTB.COM, le blog de donodyl, du VTT et des fans de Santa Cruz +3 pts
 10 :   Vertebrae Ceramic Components
[link of vote] 149 Points Spain Kingdom of Spain flag Voter pour Vertebrae Ceramic Components +3 pts
Cycling , Sciences various , Chemistry
[link of vote] 144 Points Azerbaijan Republic of Azerbaijan (see also Nagorno Karabakh) flag Voter pour MOTOGP| QUALIFICATION | BAJAJ PULSAR| HONDA| YAMAHA +3 pts
Market of Art , Helmet , Cycling
 12 :   Crouching Tiger Cycling Tours : Unique road cycling tours in Thailand
[link of vote] 144 Points Thailand Kingdom of Thailand flag Voter pour Crouching Tiger Cycling Tours : Unique road cycling tours in Thailand +3 pts
Cycling , Travels / Tourism
 13 :   PinoyMTBiker Community
[link of vote] 140 Points Philippines, the Republic of the Philippines flag Voter pour PinoyMTBiker Community +3 pts
Cycling , Sports , Others
 14 :   Virtual Cycling
[link of vote] 139 Points United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth Realm) flag Voter pour Virtual Cycling +3 pts
 15 :   Manufacturers:manufacturer of leather working gloves,mechanic gloves,chainsawa gloves,pakistan
[link of vote] 130 Points Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan flag Voter pour Manufacturers:manufacturer of leather working gloves,mechanic gloves,chainsawa gloves,pakistan +3 pts
Athletics , Cycling , Car / Motor bike
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Web site of the Month
10 last inscriptions
2020-04-14 - Voyage au Vietnam hors des sentiers battus Vietnam Socialist Republic of Vietnam flag Travels / Tourism
2019-08-30 - GPSZapp.net France French Republic flag Cycling
2018-11-14 - Sepeda 35 Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Cycling
2016-07-09 - Car Trends 2016 United States United States of America (federal state) flag Car / Motor bike
2016-02-26 - Materiel-velo.com France French Republic flag Shopping on-line
2015-12-30 - http://www.alip.web.id/2015/12/nissan-mobil-terbaik-pilihan-keluarga.html Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Car / Motor bike
2013-11-05 - Ride On Cars from D2 Toys UK United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth Realm) flag Young people
2013-04-29 - TOURISM CYCLING TOURS IN THE DORDOGNE FOR ALL LEVEL France French Republic flag Cycling
2013-02-12 - Live Stream Channel Online Barbados Sports
2013-01-31 - Walking and Cycling holidays in France, Spain and Italy United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth Realm) flag Travels / Tourism
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