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Humour / Strange Directory

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 1 :   Maps of the United States
[link of vote] 702 Points Brazil Federative Republic of Brazil (federal state) flag Voter pour Maps of the United States +3 pts
Travels / Tourism , Nature / Environment , Humour / Strange
 2 :   Spectacles de clowns pour enfants
[link of vote] 338 Points Belgium Kingdom of Belgium (federal state) flag Voter pour Spectacles de clowns pour enfants +3 pts
Humour / Strange
 3 :   Blog Seo Doodey
[link of vote] 325 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Blog Seo Doodey +3 pts
Downloads , Humour / Strange
 4 :   Mini Cooper Indonesia
[link of vote] 303 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Mini Cooper Indonesia +3 pts
Health / Medicine , Humour / Strange , HIFI / PHOTO / VIDEO
 5 :   Macfleid - Forum Lixheim Cours BTS IG Chien Traineau Samoyede Husky Jeux Medal Team Unicorn Flash
[link of vote] 253 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Macfleid - Forum Lixheim Cours BTS IG Chien Traineau Samoyede Husky Jeux Medal Team Unicorn Flash +3 pts
high tech / Multi-media , Humour / Strange
 6 :   Drole Jeux Vidéos
[link of vote] 219 Points Switzerland Swiss Confederation (federal state) flag Voter pour Drole Jeux Vidéos +3 pts
Games / Emulation , Humour / Strange
 7 :   kumpulan video lucu
[link of vote] 211 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour kumpulan video lucu  +3 pts
Humour / Strange
 8 :   Le site rigolo à Bruno
[link of vote] 187 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Le site rigolo à Bruno +3 pts
Humour / Strange
 9 :   2009 Frmovies.net © - en streaming
[link of vote] 187 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour 2009 Frmovies.net ©  -   en streaming +3 pts
Music , Art / Culture / Museums , Humour / Strange
 10 :   Info RA Mywapblog
[link of vote] 179 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Info RA Mywapblog +3 pts
Personal web sites / Blogs , Humour / Strange , Young people
 11 :   Blog cerita humor lucu,info unik,motivasi inspiratif,kata mutiara,lingkungan alam
[link of vote] 176 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Blog cerita humor lucu,info unik,motivasi inspiratif,kata mutiara,lingkungan alam +3 pts
Humour / Strange , Nature / Environment , Sciences
 12 :   MrFilmze.com films sur vk streaming
[link of vote] 167 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour MrFilmze.com films sur vk streaming +3 pts
Cinema / Video / Movies , Humour / Strange , Young people
 13 :   Ryuzaki-Hikaru
[link of vote] 159 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Ryuzaki-Hikaru +3 pts
Others , Humour / Strange
 14 :   Jeux gratuits et jeux flash en ligne !
[link of vote] 156 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Jeux gratuits et jeux flash en ligne ! +3 pts
Games / Emulation , Humour / Strange , X-Box
 15 :   Funny SMS Jokes
[link of vote] 155 Points India Republic of India (federal state) flag Voter pour Funny SMS Jokes +3 pts
Humour / Strange , News / Media , Generation
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Web site of the Month
10 last inscriptions
2016-03-14 - Kumpulan Video lucu banget bikin sakit perut Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Humour / Strange
2016-02-27 - Semi Berbagi Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Leisures
2015-12-31 - DenAndri6¾4 Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Humour / Strange
2015-12-14 - Info Asik Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Humour / Strange
2015-11-14 - Mini Cooper Indonesia Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Health / Medicine
2015-11-14 - Scooter Indonesia Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Real estate / Housing
2015-06-21 - ITUDEWA.NET AGEN JUDI POKER DOMINO QQ CEME ONLINE INDONESIA Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Young people
2015-05-31 - kumpulan video lucu Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Humour / Strange
2015-04-24 - Info RA Mywapblog Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Personal web sites / Blogs
2015-04-22 - Ryuzaki-Hikaru Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Others
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W3 Directory the World Wide Web country Directory, World classification of the sites by Country and resources of the Web, national and World directory , restoring directory , wallpaper manga , Topicality of the stars...