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France French Republic flag Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag India Republic of India (federal state) flag Morocco Kingdom of Morocco (Western Sahara is mostly occupied by and integrated in Morocco, see politics of Western Sahara) flag United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth Realm) flag Korea (South) Egypt Arab Republic of Egypt flag Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan flag Turkey Republic of Turkey flag Canada (federal state, Commonwealth Realm) flag Vietnam Socialist Republic of Vietnam flag United States United States of America (federal state) flag Israel State of Israel flag Bangladesh Italy Italian Republic flag
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 1 :   Blogs Annuaire Web France - French Blogs directory
[link of vote] 1330 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Blogs Annuaire Web France - French Blogs directory +3 pts
Directories / Search engine , Personal web sites / Blogs , Young people
[link of vote] 550 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour WINPI RUMAH BELAJAR +3 pts
Young people , Cities / Areas , Others
 3 :   Radio Nucleo Base - a radio diferente
[link of vote] 543 Points Brazil Federative Republic of Brazil (federal state) flag Voter pour Radio Nucleo Base - a radio diferente +3 pts
Music , Cinema / Video / Movies , Young people
 4 :   RamTechID
[link of vote] 499 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour RamTechID +3 pts
PC , Personal web sites / Blogs , Young people
 5 :   HIT DE HATE
[link of vote] 397 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour HIT DE HATE +3 pts
Young people , Artists , Photographs
 6 :   Cricket Live Streaming
[link of vote] 392 Points Bangladesh Voter pour Cricket Live Streaming +3 pts
Sports , Young people
 7 :   WWE Match Database
[link of vote] 382 Points United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth Realm) flag Voter pour WWE Match Database +3 pts
News / Media , Sports , Young people
 8 :   Heart Locker
[link of vote] 363 Points India Republic of India (federal state) flag Voter pour Heart Locker +3 pts
Photographs , Personal web sites / Blogs , Young people
 9 :   Cheat PB 7
[link of vote] 357 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Cheat PB 7 +3 pts
Directories / Search engine , Young people , Art / Culture / Museums
 10 :   travel
[link of vote] 303 Points Philippines, the Republic of the Philippines flag Voter pour travel +3 pts
Young people
 11 :   MenU MiX
[link of vote] 301 Points Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan flag Voter pour MenU MiX +3 pts
Others , Science and technology of art , Young people
 12 :   Holiday Home in Gran Alacant for Budget Holidays on the Costa Blanca
[link of vote] 266 Points Spain Kingdom of Spain flag Voter pour Holiday Home in Gran Alacant for Budget Holidays on the Costa Blanca +3 pts
Travels / Tourism , Ship / Water sport , Young people
 13 :   GRAND MEDIUM VOYANT BABAYIGBE / +229 61 48 45 41
[link of vote] 248 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour GRAND MEDIUM VOYANT BABAYIGBE / +229 61 48 45 41 +3 pts
Culture , Religion , Young people
 14 :   kerudung cantik shop
[link of vote] 246 Points Iceland Republic of Iceland flag Voter pour kerudung cantik shop +3 pts
Artists , Young people , Economy / Business
 15 :   Sherazade Glamour
[link of vote] 222 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Sherazade Glamour +3 pts
Mode / Luxury / Jewels , Shopping on-line , Young people
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Web site of the Month
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2022-06-26 - Layanan Sedot WC Bergaransi 24 Jam Kuras WC Mampet Jakarta,Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Karawang Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Generation
2022-06-06 - Brutukulinu Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Young people
2021-11-20 - Winner Prestasi Les Privat Calistung Sd Smp SMA SBMPTN SimakUI AKM OSN di Jabodetabek ~ Indonesia Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Sciences
2021-08-06 - Fun Hire Wales United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth Realm) flag Young people
2020-12-17 - My deep life divers Mexico United Mexican States (federal state) flag Young people
2020-10-09 - GerbangPutra Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Young people
2020-09-05 - GRAND MEDIUM VOYANT BABAYIGBE / +229 61 48 45 41 France French Republic flag Culture
2020-07-08 - Dukun Togel Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Young people
2020-01-18 - Oyas Blog's Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Young people
2019-12-04 - Dijital Oyun Rehberi Turkey Republic of Turkey flag PC
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W3 Directory the World Wide Web country Directory, World classification of the sites by Country and resources of the Web, national and World directory , restoring directory , wallpaper manga , Topicality of the stars...