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Young people Directory | France  flag France Directory - French Republic

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 1 :   Blogs Annuaire Web France - French Blogs directory
[link of vote] 1328 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Blogs Annuaire Web France - French Blogs directory +3 pts
Directories / Search engine , Personal web sites / Blogs , Young people
 2 :   Les seniors et le marché de l’emploi
[link of vote] 614 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Les seniors et le marché de l’emploi +3 pts
Young people
 3 :   Olivier Lalin Photography International French wedding Photographer - PARIS , N.Y.C
[link of vote] 509 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Olivier Lalin Photography  International French wedding Photographer -    PARIS ,  N.Y.C +3 pts
Economy / Business , Young people
 4 :   anime et manga vostfr
[link of vote] 291 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour anime et manga vostfr +3 pts
BD / Manga , Others , Young people
 5 :   GRAND MEDIUM VOYANT BABAYIGBE / +229 61 48 45 41
[link of vote] 248 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour GRAND MEDIUM VOYANT BABAYIGBE / +229 61 48 45 41 +3 pts
Culture , Religion , Young people
 6 :   Sherazade Glamour
[link of vote] 220 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Sherazade Glamour +3 pts
Mode / Luxury / Jewels , Shopping on-line , Young people
 7 :   Bcpdefilm Film streaming
[link of vote] 208 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Bcpdefilm Film streaming +3 pts
Leisures , Others , Young people
 8 :   Adosun La Communauté dédier aux Ados | Site pour ados
[link of vote] 192 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Adosun La Communauté dédier aux Ados | Site pour ados +3 pts
Meetings , Young people , Leisures
 9 :   Site féminin femmes références
[link of vote] 169 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Site féminin femmes références +3 pts
Personal web sites / Blogs , Astrology / Beauty , Young people
 10 :   MrFilmze.com films sur vk streaming
[link of vote] 167 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour MrFilmze.com films sur vk streaming +3 pts
Cinema / Video / Movies , Humour / Strange , Young people
 11 :   Festival Bulles en Champagne
[link of vote] 155 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Festival Bulles en Champagne +3 pts
BD / Manga , Humour / Strange , Young people
 12 :   T-shirt rock and hard-rock a personnaliser
[link of vote] 146 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour T-shirt rock and hard-rock a personnaliser +3 pts
Young people , Mode / Luxury / Jewels , Generation
 13 :   Learn Modern Jive the easy way with CEROC in Marseille, Aix en Provence, Cannes, Antibes and Nice
[link of vote] 146 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Learn Modern Jive the easy way with CEROC in Marseille, Aix en Provence, Cannes,  Antibes and Nice +3 pts
Dance , Dance , Young people
 14 :   aaah! CreaMail - Création d' e-mails multimédias librement personnalisables - simple et gratuit -
[link of vote] 137 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour aaah! CreaMail - Création d' e-mails multimédias librement personnalisables - simple et gratuit  - +3 pts
Young people , high tech / Multi-media , Internet / Web Design
 15 :   Pierrot Foot
[link of vote] 127 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Pierrot Foot +3 pts
Football , Leisures , Young people
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Web site of the Month
10 last inscriptions
2020-09-05 - GRAND MEDIUM VOYANT BABAYIGBE / +229 61 48 45 41 France French Republic flag Culture
2015-02-05 - Official Infos DJ, infos sectorielles pour DJ France French Republic flag Music
2014-10-24 - streaming VK France French Republic flag Cinema / Video / Movies
2014-01-21 - Boutique de cigarettes et eliquides France French Republic flag Young people
2013-07-23 - MrFilmze.com films sur vk streaming France French Republic flag Cinema / Video / Movies
2013-03-04 - Vforfilms Film streaming France French Republic flag Leisures
2013-02-24 - Bcpdefilm Film streaming France French Republic flag Leisures
2013-02-21 - Buzzdevideo : Film streaming France French Republic flag Leisures
2012-12-25 - Gifts for good moments, Birtday, Lucky Célébrations with original Champagne products France French Republic flag Mode / Luxury / Jewels
2012-08-29 - Jeux de dora France French Republic flag Games / Emulation
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W3 Directory the World Wide Web country Directory, World classification of the sites by Country and resources of the Web, national and World directory , restoring directory , wallpaper manga , Topicality of the stars...