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 1 :   Callgirl Marta Lolita Porto Portugal
[link of vote] 831 Points Portugal Portuguese Republic flag Voter pour Callgirl Marta Lolita Porto Portugal +3 pts
 2 :   Rencontres Gratuites dans ta ville et evènements RencontresGV
[link of vote] 482 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Rencontres Gratuites dans ta ville et evènements RencontresGV +3 pts
Meetings , Male Gates , Female gates
 3 :   How Do You Get A Girl
[link of vote] 369 Points United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth Realm) flag Voter pour How Do You Get A Girl +3 pts
Female gates , Meetings , Young people
[link of vote] 338 Points Ivory Coast Voter pour AFRIKA QUEENS AGENCY +3 pts
Relaxation , Travel , Meetings
 5 :   Escort,girls,trans,boys,annunci,incontri,top escort,ragazze,donne,accompagnatrici
[link of vote] 241 Points Italy Italian Republic flag Voter pour Escort,girls,trans,boys,annunci,incontri,top escort,ragazze,donne,accompagnatrici +3 pts
Meetings , Stars / Celebrities , Others
[link of vote] 206 Points Bahrain Voter pour THE BEST PASSION ESCORT IN YOUR COUNTRY +3 pts
 7 :   Rencontres Amoureuses des Iles - Tonga-Soa.com -
[link of vote] 197 Points Madagascar Voter pour Rencontres Amoureuses des Iles - Tonga-Soa.com  - +3 pts
 8 :   Adosun La Communauté dédier aux Ados | Site pour ados
[link of vote] 192 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Adosun La Communauté dédier aux Ados | Site pour ados +3 pts
Meetings , Young people , Leisures
 9 :   Travel Vietnam with Worldmatetravel
[link of vote] 190 Points Vietnam Socialist Republic of Vietnam flag Voter pour Travel Vietnam with Worldmatetravel +3 pts
Travels / Tourism , Vietnamese , Meetings
 10 :   eDesirs.ch : site de rencontre
[link of vote] 181 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour eDesirs.ch : site de rencontre +3 pts
 11 :   Your wedding movies in France
[link of vote] 178 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Your wedding movies in France +3 pts
Wedding / Marriage , Couples , Meetings
 12 :   Service Rencontre
[link of vote] 155 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Service Rencontre +3 pts
 13 :   Escorte, Romanian Escorts
[link of vote] 150 Points Romania  flag Voter pour Escorte,  Romanian Escorts +3 pts
Meetings , Male Gates , Others
 14 :   Angelique VIP escort Paris
[link of vote] 150 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Angelique VIP escort Paris +3 pts
 15 :   Escorte de Lux din Bucuresti
[link of vote] 148 Points Romania  flag Voter pour Escorte de Lux din Bucuresti +3 pts Professional Subscription
Meetings , Wedding / Marriage , Mode / Luxury / Jewels
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2021-09-23 - AFRIKA QUEENS AGENCY Ivory Coast Relaxation
2019-10-06 - Site de petites annonces coquines France French Republic flag Sex / Charm
2019-07-03 - Escorts Lisbon - Portugal Portugal Portuguese Republic flag Meetings
2018-10-17 - Calyx Cassidy Romania  flag Sex / Charm
2018-03-23 - Tchat-Delire Rencontre France French Republic flag Sex / Charm
2018-01-22 - Escort France France French Republic flag Male Gates
2017-05-28 - Escorte Romania – Escorte Bucuresti – Dame de companie independente Romania  flag Meetings
2017-04-17 - Escort Directory United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Commonwealth Realm) flag Sex / Charm
2016-11-23 - TIFFANY Erotic Massage Serbia and Montenegro Sex / Charm
2016-11-20 - Escorte de Lux din Bucuresti Romania  flag Meetings
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W3 Directory the World Wide Web country Directory, World classification of the sites by Country and resources of the Web, national and World directory , restoring directory , wallpaper manga , Topicality of the stars...