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 1 :   Abstract Paintings by Vincenzo Balsamo
[link of vote] 2881 Points Italy Italian Republic flag Voter pour Abstract Paintings by Vincenzo Balsamo +3 pts
Artists , Culture , History of art
 2 :   Crazy Sandy !!!! = graphic design-cinema-tv-apple...
[link of vote] 987 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Crazy Sandy !!!! = graphic design-cinema-tv-apple... +3 pts
Culture , Photographs , Cinema / Video / Movies
 3 :   Mengenal Budaya Jawa
[link of vote] 715 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Mengenal Budaya Jawa +3 pts
Culture , History of art , Personal web sites / Blogs
 4 :   coeurhbook
[link of vote] 555 Points Algeria People's Democratic Republic of Algeria flag Voter pour coeurhbook +3 pts
Artists , Culture , Market of Art
 5 :   Project E2
[link of vote] 540 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour Project E2 +3 pts
Artists , Culture , Market of Art
 6 :   André Méhu Aquarelle
[link of vote] 517 Points France French Republic flag Voter pour André Méhu Aquarelle +3 pts
Artists , Culture , Cities / Areas
 7 :   Noureddine EL HANI
[link of vote] 470 Points Tunisia Republic of Tunisia flag Voter pour Noureddine EL HANI +3 pts
Artists , Culture , Galleries & museums
 8 :   Map of Spain Tourism Region and Topography
[link of vote] 456 Points Canada (federal state, Commonwealth Realm) flag Voter pour Map of Spain Tourism Region and Topography +3 pts
Travels / Tourism , Culture , Regional
 9 :   Show My Result
[link of vote] 424 Points India Republic of India (federal state) flag Voter pour Show My Result +3 pts
 10 :   South-Aceh
[link of vote] 371 Points American Samoa Voter pour South-Aceh +3 pts
Culture , History of art , Craft industry of Art
 11 :   Data Android APK
[link of vote] 362 Points United States United States of America (federal state) flag Voter pour Data Android APK +3 pts
Culture , Craft industry of Art
 12 :   studio gambar lucu
[link of vote] 340 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour studio gambar lucu +3 pts
Culture , Science and technology of art , Webmaster
[link of vote] 317 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour MARKAS PREDIKSI +3 pts
Market of Art , Photographs , Culture
 14 :   Sapma PP Riau
[link of vote] 313 Points Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Voter pour Sapma PP Riau +3 pts
Culture , Astrology / Clairvoyance , Cities / Areas
 15 :   Downloads trick
[link of vote] 302 Points Abkhazia Voter pour Downloads trick +3 pts
Art / Culture / Museums , Culture
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Web site of the Month
10 last inscriptions
2020-09-05 - GRAND MEDIUM VOYANT BABAYIGBE / +229 61 48 45 41 France French Republic flag Culture
2020-04-22 - Mengenal Budaya Jawa Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Culture
2019-11-28 - Grand marabout vaudou ALABA, puissant médium voyan Belgium Kingdom of Belgium (federal state) flag Culture
2019-11-10 - Marfan Syndrome Armenia Culture
2019-07-05 - VOYANCE MEDIUM EN LIGNE MARABOUT SÉRIEUX ET Compétent zomantchi France French Republic flag Culture
2019-01-14 - Lembaga kursus terbaik indonesia Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Astrology / Clairvoyance
2018-02-01 - Télécharger des films dvdrip France French Republic flag Culture
2018-02-01 - Florie Pascual Author France French Republic flag Artists
2017-04-27 - http://metrodowntownsa.com/ Akrotiri Craft industry of Art
2017-03-21 - Stafabandmp3 Gudang Lagu Gratis Indonesia Republic of Indonesia flag Culture
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W3 Directory the World Wide Web country Directory, World classification of the sites by Country and resources of the Web, national and World directory , restoring directory , wallpaper manga , Topicality of the stars...